SEO for Google News
Google News is a news aggregator developed by Google, where any online newspapers aspire to acquire visibility.
Being shown or not being shown among Google News results can make the difference between the financial sustainability or crisis of an online newspaper, because of the sheer amount of organic traffic that derives from it.
Optimization for GNews concerns attentive study of effective information architecture (essential to build the website’s authority within specific verticals), technical optimization, optimization of copywriting and publication and verification and optimization of Google Publisher Centers’ application’s property.
It is important to keep in mind that exposure among Google News’ results is sometimes subject to unforeseen instability. In the last few years various internationally renowned websites have been excluded from GNews for prolonged periods of time, unexpectedly and without apparent issues or policy violations that could justify the exclusion.
However, there is evidence that an adequate level of optimization reduces the chances of being arbitrarily excluded and, when this happens, allows for a quicker recovery and return to exposure in Google News.
Natural Index is one of the most experienced SEO agencies in Europe for the optimization of online newspapers, with a track record of increased organic visibility and admission in Google News for 100% of optimised news websites.